Italy Day 8 Padua, Milan, Monica's birthday, and Cousin #3
We began the day grabbing a light breakfast at an awesome cafe next to our hotel. It was a great laugh to begin the day, as I watched a determined pigeon, continuously try to walk into the shop for a couple of crumbs. From there we went to catch the ferry that we never found our first night to the parking garage, where I returned to my driving adventure in a foreign country. On our way we came across a Venetian funeral with the bishop, and a unique sendoff down the canal. Our next destination was Padua, home of my patron, Saint Anthony.
Upon our arrival we found a sweet little coffee shop where we enjoy some espresso, water, and a special cookie native to the town and saint. After that we made our way into the basilica where I said a prayer of thanksgiving to my patron, who helped me find my way when I was most lost, his specialty and greatest attribute. I also was able to place a special holy card I made for St. Anthony on his tomb, which was an image of him handing a loaf of bread to a man in need. It was a very moving moment for me as reflected on how far I have come, and to think I was standing in the presence of the town which he evangelized, and now rests. They had a phenomenal gift shop, which I picked up a couple of great little items, including a beautiful incensory that I have been wanting for some time and I finally found here. From here I went back to the car to tell Monica I may have found an item of interest for her where I encountered a homeless man. I did not have anything for him at the moment, but despite the language barrier I made a hand gesture I had no change at the moment. Although I felt it was only appropriate that if see him again, I would have something for him in honor of my patron, and his love for the poor. Thankfully when I returned, I was able to give him a couple Euros, and it was a beautiful moment, as I was backing out struggling to see oncoming traffic at one point, he gave me a signal that the coast was clear, very kind and touching as I made my way to Milan for our final destination.
Milan was expected to be special, since my 3rd and final cousin to visit was here, in addition it was Monica’s birthday. Everything ended on a very high note for a perfect birthday for her, from being in Italy for the first time, and doing it for her birthday this year, to finding a beautiful cross in Padua, which she was hoping to find previously, to meeting my cousin Alessio and his wife Dominica, it was all a perfect day. Alessio showed us around his brand new dental office he recently opened and shared with us the whole facility and the great work that he does. It was truly humbling and beautiful since the last time I Alessio he was 11 years old, and now fully grown, with his beautiful heart and care of those he serves as a dentist for, as he shared stories of the long days he works, and great efforts he and his partner go through to serve those in tough times.
We ended the night at his favorite restaurant enjoying all of the great foods Milan offers including Milanese risotto, and an apricot sacher from the local famous bakery and pastry shop, which Alessio had special ordered for Monica’s birthday, to bring to the restaurant. Everything was awesome and the Milanese cuisine lived up to its reputation. We said our goodbyes, and with that I was thankful to have seen all 3 of my cousins in 3 different locations on my trip. It was as Trinitarian as it got, 3 cousins from 1 family and 3 places, in 1 country, just like our God, who is 3 persons, in 1 being.
My cousin and his wife, spoiling my future wife with an amazing birthday cake on her 40th birthday. This was her dream previous to us meeting. To be in Italy for this moment.