Be like water, be like coffee
It’s been a while, and I honestly lack interest in writing much for multiple reasons, most off all because of the lack of context I experience in writing, that I do not experience when I am face to face with someone. As I wrote this blog, I was further reminded why I am done with things, glitches. While I was trying to upload a photo, the system wouldn’t let me, due to a glitch. In the process I accidentally deleted what I spent multiple hours contemplating and writing. It’s a drain on my day and life, and most of all my calling is to be with people, not behind computer screens.
With that said, I still felt it is necessary to write about what was inspired me, through the priest’s homily during liturgy this past Sunday. I will be more brief in this version, as maybe that’s what God wanted. I’ve learned mistakes happen for a reason and I make things more confusing with over explaining sometimes.
Let’s begin with the quote from Bruce Lee, “Be like water”. Water is fluid and adapts to it’s environment. Combine that the great analogy I hear in Mass, “Be Like Coffee” and you have a philosophy that will create success in almost any situation in life and business.
If you read the blog above, you will see how these 2 thoughts flow nicely. First adapt to your environment like the water, then like coffee in the water, you change your environment for the better. Too often we want others to change, or create change, and then we are disappointed when we don’t experience things the way we hoped. All it takes however is you to be the change.
Imagine if I have water, but I don’t take the time to change it’s state, by boiling it. In addition if I don’t grind the coffee the right way, I will not find the desired result I wanted. While there’s no perfect way to make a cup, reality is I still have to follow some basic rules to make a good cup, while at the same time adapting to what my customers like. My preferences are not always the same as others, but with practice you’ll find the right calibration and balance.
With this balance, I have created change in a couple different ways speaking very simply. First off, I have dramatically changed my life in building a business that can adapt to any environment. So far since starting in May of 2020 covid-19 happened. While others were force to close, I was just opening and picking up momentum. Now with inflation, while everyone will their rates and costs, I’m still the same and won’t be changing anytime soon. There’s been problems keeping stock, I’m fully stocked and good to go for a while since I had a speed bump with this last year and at the beginning of the business. I have worked towards smooth sailing past the rough waters of starting a business.
In that adaption, my business has never stopped, and through coffee I have personally seen my environment changing little by little, in addition my life, which includes no longer living pay check to pay check. I see little miracles daily through coffee, conversations and connections. Today as a matter of fact, I had two customers that just happened to sit across from each other at a restaurant the other day. Total strangers, but they had a couple of words, and then just happened to show up for coffee at the same time and recognize each other today.
Everyday through adaption to my environment, moving around to different locations consistently at the same time and days I have struck a nice balance of stability and while never feeling too robotic. People can rely on me to show up, as I adapt to my environment and all seasons, including 0 degree weather or whatever else comes my way. It’s important to be like water and fluid, it’s even more important to be like coffee and bring that beautiful aroma around you that everyone will enjoy tasting. You have to figure it out though and be open to criticism when things aren’t working out. Most of the time, if things aren’t right, it’s not others that need to change, it’s you and maybe your environment and calibration that needs adjustment.
To be continued……….
I didn’t want to move to Northern Virginia. I was reminded in my discernment however, that Peter and Paul didn’t want to to go Rome during their time. They were comfortable in their respective paths. However sometimes we have to go where we don’t want for a greater purpose. I’m grateful that I said yes to moving here, the blessings have been too numerous to mention.